(Cross-posted to
Well, Quin and I (and Cash, Lily, Donzi -- my friend's dog that I'm babysitting -- and Bobby da Bird) all went to SoCal last weekend, where I got TOTALLY HAMMERED at a family dinner.
Yessssss. Good times.
Since then, I've gotten emails from the majority of my family saying they love Quin. Hee hee. :D
I'm still waiting on hearing from the agent -- did I mention I contacted an agent about my next book? -- and I've done edits on Dragon Hunted, the newest short story, been asked to write another story about the Dragon Hunted characters, written almost 5000 words on the story due for
help_japan, and posted my column, Author's Note at geekingoutabout.com.
I've trained dogs, managed NOT to get bit by a human aggressive dog, played Tangled for Quin (Hey,
kilerkki! You should see Tangled, if you haven't. The hero totally reminds me of Ryouma! ...only slightly less Hero-Esque than Ry is), started teaching Quin how to train dogs, slept a lot, ate a fair amount, continued to fall crazy in love, and generally lived my life.
I am constantly amazed at
mike_smith's abilities to break down DC comics into manageable bites for me. I'm just saying this because I always forget to RESPOND to him, so props where they're due. (...And props to Jim, who I pointed to first and who pointed out that it was Mike... damn it! ;)) Which leads into the fact that I maaaaaaaaaaaaay, if I ever get time, write DC fic again. Probably slash. Jim, because I like you, I won't put you in the acknowledgments. ;)
The likelihood that I'll get time is slim to none, so don't hold your breath, guys.
On the subject of fic, I've likely quit Fallen Leaves due to a complete lack of time. Hopefully I'll actually get to see my fellow writers in person occasionally, now.
The drama in my life is pretty low-level; a sort-of colleague has gotten into pissing matches with someone locally, drawing attention to my classes (because the colleague is in them, and started fights... during class...) that doesn't need to be there. There will be a smack down. I just haven't quite figured out how serious that smack-down will be.
Mostly I'm playing support for the exciting drama in Quin's life (like, she's going to train dogs!), so that's good. :D
My feet hurt. Obviously, it's bed time.