(no subject)

Feb 05, 2010 13:57

In the span of two hours, I have written... oh, I'm guesstimating at 300-400 words. I'm having a hell of a time focusing. I even went and read some ST fic (thank god for the USS Cupcake, which is THE BEST Star Trek fic archive, especially if you're looking for slash) but alas, every time I read really good ST fic I just feel insecure about my Spock-voice, even though I think it's pretty good. *headbash* Mostly, I'm just not in a writing mood.

And if I think about it, this is no surprise. Last week I worked LIKE WHOA, and this week I worked LIKE WHOA. Not all dog training, but lots of writing and blogging and commenting and mutli-tasking. Normally I have Sundays off, but the last few Sunday haven't been restful at all. >.< This Sunday won't be, either.

I'd told myself I would take this afternoon off, if I just finished up the ST fic (far less than my usual 4000 words; it'll probably take me 2000 max to wrap it), but I haven't gotten near that. Perhaps I'll just take the afternoon off regardless, and work on it tomorrow afternoon while it's raining and I can't dog train.

And once again, I find myself thinking, "I need to find a way to schedule my time so I get just as much done in fewer hours." Yeah, GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. What I really need to do is stop burning myself out working insanely long days and the wonder when I have a day like today, where I can't write. :P


star trek, writing

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