Jan 15, 2010 11:20
I got another client last night, because their dog attacked Lily. o.O (She's okay! Their dog bit its own tongue in the attack. Excuse me while I snicker.)
I've been posting over on my femme blog, which is much fun, and musing about relationship stuff and whatnot. Also exchanging emails with a woman I met online, who's hilarious. We'll see. Actually, she writes like I do. Terrifying, isn't it? ;-D
I've been avoiding the Prop 8 stuff, because I suspect it'll just make me SO UPSET all over again. I donated $5 to Haiti, and don't have another $5 right now, so I'll just cross my fingers about Prop 8. (Money is VERY tight atm.) I've also almost finished the next and last Mark story. YAY! Only two and a half years in the making. >.> And then I'm on to the Sum sequel, and then I'm on to my next novel! \o/
And now, I'm going to go eat toast and honey. Mmmm.
star trek fic,
naruto fic,
prop 8,
dog training,
gay rights,