(no subject)

Nov 05, 2006 18:55

I'm opening a challenge. Since I know myself, I'm not doing that drabble-meme that went around... don't feel like writing drabbles.

Here's the challenge: Take any two (or more, I suppose) characters (that I know of) and say, "Write about them!" Please specify either romantically (in which case, smut or not?) or just as friends. *wry smile* Anyway, I'll write stories--JB length stories (hopefully under 10,000 words--Shino/Kiba length)--about the first three posts, and then I'll pick a fourth that amuses me from what's left.

Be warned that I've been stressed. Stress = time to torture characters. Just, y'know, keep it in mind. ;)

Things I know about:
Comics--Batfolk, Teen Titans, X-folk, Ultimate folks.

Anything else--
ummm. Tanya Huff books? ;)

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