Mar 09, 2008 20:43
This community is based on two different forms of RPing. Actions threads that are posted in the main community and journal based RP.
Action Community Threads
When posting in the main community, you are putting your character into a live situation involving actions and dialogue. Let's say, for example, that Miley convinced Nick to meet her in his back yard. We will assume that they discussed this through the journals which will be touched on later. I, as Miley, would post to the main community. I would write the setting/location and what characters are involved. I would follow that with an lj cut under which I would type the beginning of the thread.
Setting: Jonas Backyard, Treehouse
Characters: Miley and Nick
This was it, I could feel it. I was finally going to convince Nick that he loved me. Because I knew that he did, of course. Once I had climbed the rope latter and settled down in the corner of the treehouse, I focused on my breathing and concentrated on what I was exactly going to say (which had all be scripted multiple times, of course).
I heard the rope ladder creak, signaling me that he was coming. He was coming, my Nick. Whoo... Breath, Miley, take deep breaths, I told myself silently.
"Hi Nick," I said brightly while moving to the edge to watch him finish his climb up.
Then Nick would reply to this post, picking up where Miley left off and letting the reader in on his thoughts.
Why Post In Community Threads?
It's the novel part of the game (role playing game). This is the area where the reader can scroll through and read it like a book with ever changing point of views.
How Do You Know When to Start A Community Thread?
Most of the time, threads are decided through conversations on the journals. Two or more characters will be commenting each other on the journals and they may agree to meet somewhere. One of the players will start the thread and the other will join in.
Other times, you can post a thread as 'open'. This means that you place your character into a situation, tell your surroundings and why you are there and any other character can reply to you. This is good for when you have no one to RP with at the moment and you want to see who else may be lurking around with no one else to RP. You RP with each other by one of you posting an open thread.
In a few instances, a character may see that other characters are agreeing to meet somewhere and decide to crash the party, or intrude on their thread. This is an excellent technique for paprazzi characters. Even if their character is hidden, the reader and player will know that she/he is there.
What is allowed in a Community Thread?
Almost everything. You and the other player/s that you are working with get to make all the decisions. You can have the characters move from one location to another, even if it's not the original location that was written on the initial post. Things like that.
Pretty much the only thing you can not do is god mod. You can not write out the actions or dialogue of any character besides your own. Half the fun is not knowing what the other character will say or do next.
Also not allowed is one-sentence replies. You must make replies as thorough and interesting as possible. It's not fair to the other player if you don't give them anything to work with.
As a final note: All community entries must be tagged with the names of the characters involved so that they are easily found when necessary. First and last name, no nick names.
Journal Based RP
Each character has their own journal which is their personal livejournal account. They will use it just like we would in real life. The journals must be updates at least once a week, more would be even better.
You can write about anything, just as you would in your own journal.
The only different between our LJs and the character's LJs is that the characters have the option of setting certain parts of text to private or so that it's only accessible to certain people.
So, today was great! I did this and that and blah blah blah. Insert a fascinating Miley story here.
[lj cut 'Nick']
Hey, I really need to talk to you so can you call me as soon as you can?
[/lj cut Nick]
[lj cut 'Private']
I've been thinking about what I'm going to say to him. I mean, I've written it out a hundred different times, you'd think I'd have it right by now but I'm just not sure.
[/lj cut Private]
Characters can only reply to the main text that is not labeled Nick or Private. Only Nick can reply to the text labeled Nick.
When Replying
Characters reply to other character's journal entries just as we would. They comment on whatever is wrote or ask them something different. Say Kevin was going to call Garbo and ask him something. Instead, he would ask him through commenting on his journal. Garbo would then reply to Kevin's comment with his response.
If it would be a private matter, 'Private' would be written in the subject line. This means that you, as a player, can read what they write but your character doesn't know that it went on.