This is my triumphant return........

Jun 16, 2005 01:38

My Adoring Fans,

This is my triumphant return. I have successfully dropped off the face of the earth and have returned. I am making it a priority to tell the people who I care for how much I actually care for them, even if I havent talked to you since Dec. 29th. This is my triumphant return. I am no longer going to mope and say I have a shit life. I am going to do something about it. I will not be a 27 year old man living with my parents and working at meijer. Though torn between what I want to be, I am going to college. This is my Triumpant return. I will no longer be afriad to show my emotions to people, meaning someone who is reading this will find out how much I care for her. If you dont read this, then you will be learning soon. This is my triumphant return. Some of these promises were inspired by the people who really care about me. You know who you are. I will be calling all of the people I concider to be close and telling you how much I care about you. This may creep you out, but deal with it. This is MY triumphant return.....
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