(no subject)

May 07, 2007 03:02

Who do I want to be? I'm learning. It's weird to feel like a story can help you learn something you feel like you've always known. I saw the movies What Women Want and Spanglish today. I don't feel like either story has a single less that really applies directly to my life, but I've started to remember who I want to be and how to be that person. I'm starting to become happier. I'm starting to work things out in my head about past relationships, pent up feelings and internal confusion.

Did you know I've been having a problem with trust? I didn't until today. I've also been holding on to some feelings that I don't need for some people who don't deserve it. I'm starting to work through them. I've been hiding a little bit of who I am. But I'm doing better. No, nothing is 'fixed' but things are getting better. I remember to consider things from other people's views. I'm remembering to be honest. I haven't been lying, but I haven't forthcoming. I'm hopefully going to be able to start telling the truth to the people I've been meaning to tell.

Kevin, Slater, I don't have anything I need to tell you guys. I mention you two specifically because you are the two who a) I haven't really been hiding anything from and b) who are most likely to send me concerned IMs (which means an awful lot, guys). Everyone else... well.. I can't say the same. I'll work on my issues and talk to you when I can.

You know, it's funny. The truth can almost be as great a shield as lies can be. Only difference is the vulnerability in each type. There is a great depth to that metaphor, but I won't bore you with it now. Anyway, that's all the groundbreaking touchy-feely stuff I've been thinking about today. It's weird how often I seem to come upon this emotional state. Hopefully it's a good thing, but who knows. I'm gonna try to post more too. I might even have to create a new LJ Icon, but I'll hold off on the more dramatic decisions for later. :)

who i want to be.

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