On Tuesday voters in The 22nd Congressional District of Texas once again managed to nominate a man who has been under ethics investigation several times and has been formally admonished by the US Congress. This man supported and help pass through the US Congress legislation for the government interfere the private affairs of the Terri Schiavo and her family so he could score political points for his so called "Culture of Life". He has undeniable connections to Jack Abramoff and his band of corrupt lobbyist. The list goes on and on of horrible things this man has said and done in the name of the politics of the Religious Right. I don't have time to list all of them. Of course this man is Tom Delay and he is everything a Republican should not be. He has used the government to push his moral values on the people, where a true Conservative would not allow government to get involved.
Texas 22nd, what the hell were you thinking?
In 2004 I told everyone don't vote for Kerry just to vote against Bush. You should vote for a President based on who will do a better job, not toss a protest vote to someone who has no positions. However, there are 435 members of Congress. I am willing to give them a Democrat if it will get rid of Tom Delay. So I encourage everyone, give money to Nick Lampson or if you live his district work for campain. What he stands for does not really matter besides the fact that if he wins Tom Delay's days of "public service" will be over. Of course then he becomes a lobbyist, but that is a problem for another day.