Hi Teachers!
Welcome to Week 2 of Teachers Write! I hope you enjoyed your first week. It was filled with inspiring lessons! If you're stumbling across this post and don't know what Teachers Write is, Check it out
here.Today, let's talk a little about characters and what they want. As you know, the plot of a story is basically all about what the
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In my story, Alice's Gram starts to suffer from Alzheimer's and before the family can put her in a nursing home, she goes missing. Gram is Alice's best friend and she is scared that her world is never going to be the same. Just when she was starting to feel "found" in her world, Alice, like her Gram, will be lost.
Alice wishes she could just stop feeling lost. Her dad loses jobs, wants leave the family, thinks Gram getting lost is his fault and it makes her heart hurt.
Alice has never told anyone this, but she’s happy they got stuck in the non-mobile. They are supposed to be gypsy’s but she actually likes being stuck.
If Alice had the guts to tell her dad that it’s not his fault all the bad stuff keeps happening , she just knows that he might be happy and laugh again.
The only one who really understands Alice is Gram and that's because Gram feels lost, before she really does get lost, because she can’t remember anything anymore. Alice and Gram get mad and frustrated and it’s not because they are bossy it’s because theywants to control something.
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