Lynda Mallaly Hunt reached out to authors with books coming out in the next month or so and asked if we'd like to take part in a giveaway for teachers! I love teachers. So I said YES. There are two giveaways going on, one for teachers looking to build their middle-grade libraries and one for teachers looking to build their YA libraries. So, if you are a teacher and would like to win a set of the books shown below, keep reading! :)
If you submit your name to this rafflecopter...
a Rafflecopter giveaway could win 6 books to add to your collection. That's right. All SIX BOOKS just for your classroom! And they are brand new!
I've included links to the authors' Web sites and Twitter handles. You should check them out! Follow! Make friends! And we'd love it if you could help spread the word! If you're on Twitter, use the hashtag: #authorsloveteachers THANK YOU!!!! :-)
Sarah Darer Littman
Twitter: @sarahdarerlitt
Author site:
Lee Kelly
Twitter: @leeykelly
Author site:
Alexis Bass
Twitter: @alexisbasswrite
Author site:
Nova Ren Suma
Twitter: @novaren
Author site:
Cindy L. Rodriguez
Twitter: @RodriguezCindyL
Author site:
Jo Knowles
Twitter: @JoKnowles
Author site: