Nov 06, 2005 04:49
Just caught Lindsay Lohan's new video "Confessions of a broken heart (daughter to father)" and I must, it's a really powerful video. If Lindsay didn't write that, she's got some talented fucking writers doing that song that seems to perfectly capture the feelings that she would go through with all the shit with her father getting arrested. It's a good song, and even though it's on MTV, it's not that same happy-go-lucky crap that every radio stadio will be playing. Check it out if you get a chance. Watch the video I mean. The song is good on its own, but it's like a good AMV, lol. Can you really listen to the song Euphoria without it conjuring up images of the AMV? Didn't think so.
The new Castlevania game is....ok. But, it's really nothing great. The battle system is too repetitive for me. You have one attack button and one special attack button. You can only initiate attacks with the attack button, but you can hit the special one to to a special move, which ends the combo. You can block and then hit attack to launch them into the air, but you can only use the regular attack button to hit them while they're up in the air. It's a really limiting system, especially for a hack 'n slash game where that's about all you do. There's a decent amount of enemies, but you'll still notice that they repeat a little too much.
The Innocence Devil (I.D. or familiar) system is alright. Depending on the weapon you kill an enemy with, it will drop a specific colored gem (red for sword, blue for axe, green for spear, yellow for knuckle, and white for special). Collect enough gems of one color, and your I.D. will evolve. You will have 2 different paths each time you want to evolve your familiar, and you can evolve them 4 times. They also drop Devil Shards at each point in the evolution, which essentially makes a carbon copy of the familiar up to that point in the evolution so you can try for all combinations. You can steal from enemies, which can get you better materials to make some of the more rare items in the game. You can even steal from bosses.
All in all, if you enjoyed playing LoI, you'll probably like CoD. But, personally, I don't find it that great.