Answers! #6

Mar 30, 2007 10:23

Questions of a personal nature courtesy of

Do you shave your balls?
Not religiously, that is to say, not regularly, but I have on occasion.

Have you ever smacked any of the other boys from b-talk?
Nope.  I am a pretty patient guy, never really been a fighter, but I do have a boiling point which most people will never see.

Have you ever wacked off to OZ?
I like Wicked, but I honestly don't know what there is to wack off to in Oz . . . the lion?  Kidding . . . I have only seen two episodes of Oz and neither were wack worthy especially with friends in the room.

Cockrings, friend or foe?  I would have to say foe, I tried to be a friend, but realized it just wasn't for me.

If you could take a dump on anyones face while they are sleeping, who would it be?  I am not a fan of Hot Carls and the like, but if I had to . . . I would maybe pick W or cheney.

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