Results of the CAE Test

Feb 02, 2009 17:22

After poor Falsie came down with severe arthritis and pneumonia for a week or two we tested her for a condition called CAE (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus) and she tested positive.  After this result we took blood from all our does and sent it off to be analyzed.  The results are:

positive - they have the CAE virus (ie: bad news)
negative - they do not have the CAE virus (ie: good news)

# Name Status Birth Date Local Mother CAE   Rasputin  buck 3/2/08 Dairy son of Prince Mac.  weak pos   DOES           2 Triple Teat milking 1999 Dairy    negative 6 Gracie milking 2002 Dairy    positive 7 Duchess milking 2/1/03 Dairy Big Mama  weak pos 9 Jezabelle milking 2000 Dairy    weak pos 10 Allie milking 6/3/05 Dairy Duchess  positive 13 Phoebe milking 5/1/04 Dairy # Nine  negative 14 Vivie dry 5/1/04 Dairy Triple Teat  negative 20 Saxon milking 2/22/07 Dairy Gracie  negative 4 Falsie dry 1998 Dairy    positive 17 Squash dry 5/30/06 back Falsie  weak pos 15 Wappy dry 5/30/06 back Falsie  positive 12 Eliza dry 5/13/05 back Big Mama  positive 19 Vicki dry 12/21/08 back Rebecca  positive 21 Maasai dry 3/3/07 back Eliza  negative   Frosty dry 4/1/02 back Pleasant Farm Snow  negative   KIDS           22 Ellie   5/8/05 back #2, Triple  negative 23 Sahara   5/23/08 back #7, Duchess  negative 24 Freya   5/23/08 back #13, Phoebe  negative 25 Suzie   6/5/08 back #6, Gracie negative 26 Columbia   6/10/08 back #20, Saxon  negative
This is good, bad, and wacky.  The primary way the CAE virus is passed is through colostrum.  So technically everyone who has nursed off a mom who has CAE should also have CAE . . . but Falsie who certainly has the virus also has triplets!  One of the triplets is positive, as expected (Wappy - #15).  The other is Squash (#17) who has a "weak positive" . . . i have no idea what that means and from what i can tell by my research, no one else does either.

I think I'm going to treat all the weak positives as if they were complete positives just to be safe, but what's weird is that I have these kids (#22-#26) who are all negative, but some of them have moms that definitely have the disease.  Take Suzie (#25) for example!  Her mom, Gracie, definitely has CAE (i knew that before we even sent the test away just by how she acts and her milk production levels), but Suzie tested negative.  There is controversy that kids can be tested too young for the disease to show up in their blood . . . but what does that mean for the other weak positives?  Does that mean they really are positive?  I am certain that Jezabelle (#9) is positive beyond a doubt.  Duchess is obviously positive because her mom was Big Mama . . . who tested positive before she died.  Allie being positive is a serious blow to our organization.  She is out absolute best producer right now and to have her producing kids that are CAE positive would suck like crazy!!!!

Basically this disease will probably be the cause of death for these goats, or at least the reason why we decide to put them to sleep.  It can manifest in several different ways.  Way 1: nasty death of young kids, Way 2: neurologic problems (encephalitis), Way 3: chronic pneumonia, Way 4: chronic mastitis and CL absesses, Way 5: degenerative arthritis.  These manifestations are not exclusive of one another, for instance: Jezabelle has chronic mastitis, CL absesses, and degenerative arthritis.  Martin (who is Jezabelle's kid and also tested "weak positive") has encephalitis and facial abnormalities characteristic of encephalitis, chronic pneumonia, and degenerative arthritis.  The method of treatment is prevention: prevent kids from nursing off an infected doe.  Some people say that CAE can be contracted en utero, but most people say that if you prevent a kid from getting infected colostrum then you're free and clear.  Not much is known about it though.

I must say, I'm sad to see who is infected, but I honestly thought there would be more does with CAE in our herd.  Thank God Phoebe, Triple, Vivie, Maasai, and Frosty are safe!  I question Saxon's negative result because her mom was Gracie . . . but Freya, Ellie, and Columbia have a great chance of being negative as well!  And thank God that we bred Maasai and Frosty for the express purpose of having other kids nurse off of them if some of our other girls tested positive!  Wheew =)


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