Well I am here once again to basicaly promote my website, it seems that most people are still checking this place out and they haven't headed on over
to my new homepage where my blog is currently located now. Its an easier way for me to keep everything in check, and make sure that all my stuff is in one place. I wish that I had some kind of WebAPI that I could easily update everything, but I think I don't to get into thinking about that because I might just dive right into XML RPC and working with Wordpress.
What am I doing? I'm across a lot of things right now, mainly working on
designing a game and programming a framework for an eventual application I wish to launch. I've always loved programming APIs, and hopefully, this will actually get done to the point where I can launch it and use it. I'm not going into too much explination on to what it is, but I'll be sure to post it everywhere when its ready ;).
So head on over to
http://www.thealternate.org and check out my homepage/blog, you can hit me up on my new email address
john at thealternate dot org. Enjoy.