Nov 11, 2007 03:46
Nothing is really the same as I remember it. There are some things that are the same and will never change. At the same time though there are things that have changed that I thought never would.
I just have to realize this, adapt to it and move on. There are no ifs, ands or buts. I need to move beyond what I am and have been. I think I can do it. I hope I can. Certain ideas....thoughts....I have let so many of them hold me back for so long. No more. I have had people talk to me about my potential all my life and I have done nothing. They were right and now it's time for me to shit or get off the pot. I grow weary of seeing those I know to be beneath me be "above" me. Hits the ego pretty hard. No more.
I'll have to sever useless links to those who I assume are useless people and go from there. I have a goal and I think it's worth it. I know it is. Sorry to those this might effect. More sorry to those who this will effect that will never get the chance to read this. Not my problem anymore.