(no subject)

Jul 28, 2007 07:27

I'll make it short and sweet. Just watched Perfume: Amazing movie. Simply astonishing. Really, just top notch all the way. Academy awards for this excellently casted and performed masterpiece!

Also, Knocked up was phenominal! Simpsons was...... a long episode of The Simpsons with a lot of ideas from episodes I guess they thought most audiences wouldn't remember. Though, I hardly expect you Simpsons noobs to understand. My Simpsons knowledge vastly, and let me really emphesize, VASTLY outweighs your own, so you might love it.

On to life. I wish I could report to you that all is well, but I cannot. All of my past mistakes have come back to seek their vengence, and have taken it, leaving me an utter mess. So, I have decided to try new and unfamiliar things to me. I figured maybe it's time I make some changes to who I am and what I'm about. I still can't believe I'm considering what I'm considering, but other people do it and they seem happy.

I have finally realized that my uniqueness is only good for keeping me ostracized and lonely all the time. Instead of the ubiquitous feeling I desire, I just feel so alone. I have tried to fill that space with people and activities, but it just hasn't worked. How I yearned for someone like me. Someone who understands the little things that can oddly bring so much pleasure. Just meeting different sorts of people; ALL sorts of people. You can't imagine how astonishing it can be. It's so much easier for everyone else. So common. So easy to please. Typical Josh Queen. Yeah, heard that before....so predictable. You see, it's NOT a matter of arrogance, so much as knowing. Argue it as much as you want, doesn't change the facts.

And you see, that's just the thing. It's not difficult for me. 95% of the things that 98% of the population do or can do are easy for me if not second nature. Sometimes, though, some people surprise me. Those are the people I want to be around. Those are the people I choose as my friends. Unfortuantely, they barely graze the surface anymore; like the uniqueness that drew me to these people in the first place left and is nowhere to be found. It's quite depressing, actually: not having anyone who understand you. If you feed a cat, it will continue to come for you for milk. But once the cat realizes there is no more milk, it will come less and less until it is forced to go somewhere else to survive.

....Look at me, I'm ranting. Who'd have thunk it? I'm tired now. Sorry if you read all of that.
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