Title: Purge
author: jmaria
rating: G
challenge: #10 Whisper of Angels
summary: I have come to purge this place of you
characters: who ever you want, really.
notes: this could be any of the fallen knights, (I was thinking Dag, but it works with any of them) coming from the pov of a unnamed female character. I don’t often do first person in my fics, so feedback on would be helpful.
I imagine I can still hear you beside me, though I’ve counted the days you’ve been gone. The number is too great to list, and I know I’ll not see your face again in this life. The knights would leave this place as a memorial to you if they could, but time and necessity win out and I have come to purge this place of you.
I do that which would pain them, knowing well what it costs me. You had little to take, and I’ve memories enough to keep me. I still hear you whispers here, it’s just enough.