Title: Jealousy
Team: K
Author: Jmaria
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Blaise/Luna, Neville, Millicent
Challenge: #14: Gryffindors
Blaise gritted his teeth, his anger rising higher every time he heard Luna’s whimsical little laugh. Her blue and silver tie fluttered against her white school shirt, her hand brushing it off. Her companion laughed, brushing his fingers across the smudge of dirt on her cheek. Millicent smirked at him.
“Looks like Longbottom knows how to use his hands,” she said low enough for just Blaise’s ears.
“Bulstrode, does this conversation have a point?” His voice was clipped and crisp.
“Well, if you continue to glare at Longbottom, he’s going to think you want him dead.”
“Who said I didn’t?”
* * * * *
Title: A Thing Or Two
Team: K
Author: Jmaria
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Blaise, Parvati, Lavender
Challenge: #14: Gryffindors
Random giggle fits were beginning to drive him insane. Two heads were bent in -well, loud, obnoxious conversation that was threatening to make his ears bleed. Blaise groaned as another shrill shriek of laughter from the girls startled him. He glared at the snapped quill in his hands. The girls seemed to get a perverse joy from this.
He really despised those silly Gryffindor twits. He grabbed a new quill from his bag and went back to work. Thank Merlin, Voldemort didn’t have people like Lavender and Parvati in his army. They could teach DE’s a thing about torture.