That time of year again.

Dec 03, 2009 16:47

Okay, so I never finished 23 for 23 byt the time I was 23. And I didn't even try for 24. But. I'm insane again. So we're going to try this again.


25 FOR 25
You know the drill:

Give me one pairing/characters that you would like to see in fic form. Just the character and Fandom. I'm simplifying.

Fandoms: Angel, Bones, Buffy, Castle, CSI:NY (I can fake the other two if so requested), Dark Angel, Doctor Who, Eureka, Psych, Sarah Jane, Supernatural, Torchwood and anything else that I'm fairly well known for. As far as movies and books go, just add an additional fandom in case I don't know it.

That's it. It's ridiculously easy. They won't be done by the tenth (I'm good, but not that good), but I'm hoping they'll be done by january. Okay. So go ahead, request.

fic, 25 for 25

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