Feb 18, 2007 02:22
Yeah, so the mega crossover that ate my brain has done so again. Granted, it was always eating at my brain, but seeing as the twelfth of this month was the two year anniversary of Protector of the Weak, I'm kinda geeked that this fic has been such a big part of my life. Which is why I've been working on part 16 of it for the last few nights like crazy. And manipping like a mad fool, and even making a very crappy 28 second long vid teaser for the last two parts.
*le sigh*
And making screencaps! I've been doing screencaps from a bunch of my dvds and tvds in order to make crossover manips, (Hitchhiker's Guide, the Covenant, the Hole, Troy and Gladiator have been the last five I've capped) so it was a good reason to pull out KA and make some nice caps. Only I'm not even halfway through the movie and I'm at 400. The most I've done for any other movie is 260 (Troy, but only because Saffron Burrows is in it and she's my Europa for SL and PotW). Besides I've had to stop it like three times because I kept picturing Dawn in it the whole freaking time, half-expecting her to pop up like she did in the story. Good god!
EDIT: Good god, I just finished capping it and still bawled my eyes out at the lake and battle scenes. Two years later and the movie still has the same affect on me. Every fricken time! Plus 630-ish caps! including the roundtable discussion but not the making of feature. Went to do Tristan + Isolde caps, and the damn computer won't read the disc. I know it works, I've watched it at home! So now I have to make caps off the next dvd in the pile: a dollar store classic (okay, so it was CVS not a dollar store) Lord Protector: The Riddle of the Chosen. So-so story, so-so acting, decent costumes.