Jun 11, 2007 19:18
The wind was at my back for much of the day today. I raced across the short hills and flat plateaus on highway 3. 'Highway' might be an overstatement. The map lists the road from Glaslyn to Turtleford as 'Thin Membrane (No Shoulder)'. In reality it is rutted, patched, pavement, with sections that have been replaced with gravel, which made for an interesting ride. But, with the wind I was able to maintain 50km/h for several kilometers. Even though I was only on the road for a few hours, at the end of the day I felt just as tired as I did after six or seven hours.
Science Experiments That Could End Badly:
Being Sunday, nothing was open in small town Saskatchewan, so I cooked my own lunch of perogies. My stove was running low on fuel so I poured some more in. The fuel turned out to be highly flammable and my plastic bottle of fuel caught with a pop and a sputter. I closed the cap which snuffed the flame, but now my cap is fused shut.
Later, at camp, I tied an old tube to exclude the hole and pumped it up. It looked pretty cool until it exploded with a bang that left my entire head buzzing. The rest of the tube secured my front pannier rack and it should not rattle anymore.
Distance: 107km
Max Speed: 54km/h
Avg Speed: 24km/h
Time on Bike: 4h32m