
Aug 06, 2007 05:01

I'm SOOO pissed off!!!

My mom wakes me up at 4:30, but I'm not pissed at her. We run outside, she said my alarm started going off, and when we went out there, my fuckin' two back tires are gone. Now, I don't live in a bad neighborhood or anything, but that is absolutely ridiculous! My tires were old, and I needed to get new ones anyway, but still, I don't quite understand why they picked my car. Old ass tires, alarm, definitely not the nicest car to steal from on the street, there's a BWM across the street, a Lexus down the street, a Hummer right next door, and other nice cars on the street. I park on the driveway too. Anyway, they left their jackhammer, lug-nut remover, and a pair of pliers on the ground, so we called the police to come pick them up.

Some people fuckin' piss me off. Especially scummy car thieves, HOPE YOU ALL DIE AND ROT K THKX

Soo, I guess my vacation money is going to be spent elsewhere. Why the hell is it everytime I even get SOME money saved up, something fuckin' happens like this. Last time it was my transmission (2500), and the time before that, my struts (500). I'm still paying off the transmission! :(

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