May 11, 2007 12:56
I just wanted to say Shabbat Shalom to everyone!
I miss being able to go to a syanagogue on Friday nights :( (I'm "home" for the summer and the closest one is 4 hours in car).
What do you guys do when you're away from your congregation?
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Saturday morning I indulge myself by davening Shacharit through the Amidah then making kiddush and having a short breakfast while reading the torah portion quietly to myself. Finally I finish off with Mussaf. If I'm in a mischievous mood, I go upstairs to my wife and tell her my plans for the rest of the weekend (announcements).
that made me laugh.
to the op:
my job doesn't allow me to have more than once a month at shul, so i try to daven on my own and teach Torah to a friend of mine. she's not very much into learning about G*d, but she's understanding and never backs down from a learning oppurtunity.
The beauty of Judaism is that it's portable. :)
I don't attend services every week (I'm a twice-a-month service girl) and on the weeks that I don't, I focus on making a great dinner for the family and spending time with my kids. We might watch a movie or play board games or just go across the street to the park until it's too dark to play anymore.
You could also find a book on Judaic thought, philosophy, practice, etc and read. Last week the rabbi recommended Jews and Judaism in the 21st Century as "homework" ... I'm currently reading a book about raising self-reliant children using Judaic principles.
Good luck!
actually, the book I ordered called 'Essential Judaism' just arrived from Amazon about 5 minutes ago, how convenient!
Talmud Torah (studying Torah in the broad sense, reading Essential Judaism counts) is a great idea. So is taking walks, especially if you can get to nature without violating your Shabbat standards. Nature walks are a great way to develop Ahavat Hashem (love of hashem) through learning about the world. "Ma Gadlu Maasech Hashem" - How great are your deeds, Hashem, your thoughts are very deep (I didn't do the last half of the Hebrew because I don't have it memorized ( ... )
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