Dec 26, 2007 04:05
In 2007....
1-Did you kiss anyone?
2-Did you date anyone?
Sort Of...
3-Are you going to have someone to kiss when the ball drops?
Wouldn't hurt and as long as its better than the person who i kissed last year
4-Did you lose any friends?
5-Did you gain any friends?
Gained some I wish I hadn't and gained some im glad I did
6-Did you do something new?
7-Did anyone important to you die?
Anna Nicole Smith
8- Did you change at all?
I came out to my parents
9-Are you happy with the year over all?
I think that it could have been better
10-Whats the best thing that happened to you ?
Becoming Friends with Alison (Lead to a lot of other important and significant events)
11-Did you fall in or out of love?
I want to fall out sometimes
12-Are you happy the years almost over?
I want to graduate so bad and see if my family remains shattered
13- Are you going to do anything different next year?
Cook for myself
14-Do you think 2008 will be a better year then 2007?
Depends on if my sister comes back and if I can find a way not to get taken advantage of
15-Did you lose your virginity in 2007?
in one way
16-How many things did you screw up in 2007?
17-Did you go to an amusement park?
18-Did you go to a concert?
Combichrist, Godsmack (Thanks Mary)
19-Did you go to any parties?
A lot
20-Did you go on a summer vacation?
Atlanta (Does early september count?)
21-Did you lie to your parents?
I stopped lying about a big thing
Not a physical one
23-Did you leave the country?
24-Did you have a good birthday?
25-Did anyone in your family get married?
26-Do you think you grew?
27-Did you dye your hair?
Went from brown to black
28-Who do you think you were on the phone with the most?
Chelsea or Mary
29-Did anyone sing to you?
30-Did you sing to anyone?
East Bay Street a coupla times
31-Did anyone tell you they loved you?
32-Did you ever go to the hospital?
To goddamn much, i swear im not dealing with that bullshit anymore
33-What did you drink and eat the most?
34-Did you change your top at least 8 times?
its stayed pretty constant aside from detunafacation
35-Did you change your profile over 10 times?
36-Did you change your default at least 20 times?
37-Did you get a tattoo?
38-Did you vote?
I voted for some stupid ass shit on the internet but not any political elections.
39-Are you going to make a new years resolution?
40- did you stick to your new years resolution last year?
Yes and No