(no subject)

May 23, 2005 13:24

fuck man i just wrote like a whole page and it got deleted somehow, err fucking computers!.. here i go again....
so due to the complaints of me slacking off and not writing in here i will update ;-) Well life hasn't been a complete waste lately. i'm still working at michaels but definatley need another job during the week so i'm not broke down oc. (cant wait for that) .. well i guess i can? Got my license now for those of you who didn't know that! its fun. Haven't drank in a while, mainly due to lack of motive, dd, and school gay i guess lol. no worries tho, summers coming and it will be time to let go of the stress i carry around. My birthday is in like two weeks and im soo excited.. even though i dont know what im doing on it :-( hopefully someone that loves me will make it great! Me and my girl Ash have been getting closer which i'm very happy about. I was losing her there for a little. Probably mainly cause im driving now, and maybe cause ive been single and less "onepersongenerated". and on that subject, i thought me and him were actually done this time. vinito, finished. I guess he will never go away, not that i want him to being that he's been a big part of my life for awhile. So yeah I go a week without talking to him and attempting to move on and then bam a text from him and im in over my head again. i cant help it, i love him. BUTTTTTT I don't like to talk about that. So many people I have become closer with like jamie i love you girl thanks for always putting up with me! soo much is coming up im excited. my birthday,prom after prom;-), a car for myself, summer, internships, ocean city yay anyways i love everyone right now.

is there any boys around that know how to make a girl feel?
why is it so hard for a girl like me to find a boy that really knows how to make a girl feel?
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