Feb 27, 2005 14:28
dont really feel like typing all this but i have nothing better to do with my time. soo Friday night was the end of the year cheer party at brits house. pretty much everyone was there except a few so it was a good time. ate a lot of food, watched the tape from last years party and made one this year. lots of dancing crazy girls. ryan went out with mark julian and tony not being very smart driving around and drinking. i was worried and i just wanted him to get off the road so i left brits early ry picked me up and we went back to his house. ended up playing some floor beer pong i wasn't on my game had some things on my mind so needless to say i lost. since im transparent to ryan and he sees right through me when i try to hide how i feel he knew something was up. we talked about what was buggin me and i felt a little better we cuddled then fell asleep i was so beat. woke up saturday cant really remember what we did but stayed with him for awhile until he had to leave for work. came home showered got ready for the night and since there was nothing better to do ash nat blaze mark and julian just ended up coming here to drink. it was a good time for awhile played some pong and some wheel of torture. ry came after he got off work lookin real cute in his new red shirt ;-) thats my baby. bad time for awhile a few arguements and the normal drunken rambling which brought me to the conclusion im not getting completely wasted anymore drinking is very bad when your not in a good mood. it all comes out and doesnt make anyone around you happy. so im done. had a little arguement with my love but we always work it out wish it didnt happen and im sorry...i ended up spending the night with him so we could talk. today ry was suppose to get up early for his project butt i had to pretty much drag him out of bed. oh and you better beleive ryan thought it was the funniest thing in the world to make me chase him around the house and try to get him to start his work. your terrible im no cross country runner im just a cheerleader and you had me winded. argh! well he went to rite aid and i sat on his couch like a lazy ass. came back laid around for a little then he went to the driving range and yet again i stayed on his couch and watched tv :-) it was too cold for my whiny self. he came back and did the normal...ya kno bite me, push me over, roll me off the couch and then we just laid around until he had to pack and head back to school. miss you baby and oh yeah cant wait til next weekend going up your cabin its gonna be great. im sooo happy we get to spend the whole weekend together just us i cant wait! thanks for makin it happen. \\i love you// well im gonna continue to use my lazy sunday to do nothing.