Apr 13, 2006 22:16
despite incessant admonitions, both from myself and from other people, to limit my intake of any caffeine-filled drinks, i find myself time and again vacillating from actualizing this resolution.
school is over: the prospect of yet another set of school-related work is more than a month away so that doesn't leave me much activity (school-related being the operative word here) to do but take advantage of an entire month the school gladly doled out to its residents and hastily labeled as 'summer vacation.' that said, i have every reason to shun to abandonment the caffeine provisions holed up in the house's most sought-after regions: pantry, refrigerator, on the computer table.
i have an impression that all this excessive caffeine has already found its way into my psyche; for while i was strolling down a particular grocery aisle the other day-'twas no other than the damned coffee lane, in which place fate consented me a witness to a rendezvous of maniacal delusion-i started; and as if in a dream, this army of coffee bags birthed on their soft glossy faces a set of glossy lips mouthing the words "Buy me." oh, they had me under their entrancing spell! my might was nothing but an empty effort that rendered my constitution useless.
and when i came to, i hesitated no more and merely said "Fuck my resolution. Now where the hell did they stock their cream in this place?" and yes, i ended up a happy man.