(no subject)

Nov 05, 2010 02:37

Hey, guys! This is an update on the state of the ficathon and it's a pretty important one. We have quite a lot of signups this year and it makes me happy. I am so glad for them and so excited for this ficathon! We have some really great returners and our newcomers are pretty fantastic as well. At the moment, we number at fourteen participants. This is a number we haven't had in a few years, so we're awesome! Take a moment to count yourself as awesome. :-D

To ensure that all is smooth this year, everything is set up early. Structure is great and I'm doing things this year that will make all of this a lot more efficient as compared to previous years.. We've only ran into one problem. The sign-ups deadline. My computer's been out of commission for about two weeks. Luckily, this didn't take out anything in our set up; as said before, all of this is taken care of. However, because of little access, this quite obviously interrupted advertisements and sign-up warnings. I apologize greatly for this and this post is intended to solve that issue.

Choice time: the advertisements didn't happen, do we close signups at midnight tonight or do we hold them open a little longer? If we leave them open, I will put advertisement possibilities on here immediately, and start to shoot them on communities. The computer access problem is being taken care of, so these things will happen on the timely basis. In this case, I have November 10th at midnight in mind as the deadline. If we don't, then they are being extended a little late tonight, but that is all.

In the first case, assignments would go out on November 11th. We could get more participants and more variety by letting more of the fandom know about the ficathon. But this cuts a few days out of the writing deadline on December 22.
In the second case, assignments would go out on November 6th. We have a nice number of participants already, and everything will still go well if we do this. No days will be cut out of the writing deadline.

I am including a poll on this post. If you can vote on it, I would appreciate it. If you would like to comment, I would love that as well. Based on responses, I will make the decision tonight.

Thank you!

Poll JBBS 2010 Signups Deadline
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