(no subject)

Oct 04, 2007 10:13

Earlier this week, I received a telegram from the MLB: We regret to inform you. . . .

Yes, it's baseball playoffs. Sigh. And the Cubs are in the playoffs. Double sigh. It's a no-win situation. If they do poorly (like losing last night to the D-Backs, I believe) it's upsetting. If they do well, there's no happiness, only more nail-clenching drama and what-ifs and speculations about the next game. So in a month I can expect to have my boyfriend back, fully intact, able to interact and discuss things other than baseball. I know, I could have it much worse. But 10 years of dating women who were NOT into sports did nothing to help me prepare for living with this.

I saw a poster about a discussion tonight that the OSU "students for free thought" (whatevah that is) is about polyamory. Is it ethical? Etc. I'd consider going, but I have a date tonight. Practice is almost always better than theoretical discussions. I realized that I've never dated someone who didn't already know my current romantic status before we went out. That's odd, and I'm wondering at what point I bring up my boyfriend.

I didn't end up going out last night. I got a call about 7:30 that they were heading somewhere, and would call me when they were heading back my way. Ok. Then at 10 I missed a call; no message. I was reading in bed, and I guess fell asleep before the text message at 11 pm of "hey where you at?" I'm not used to starting the party that late on a week night. Yep, I'm old.

I finished "Sex and Art in Greenwich Village" last night. Unimpressed. Not sure what to start now. It's between "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer (I liked his Everest book), Tom Perrotta's "Little Children" (movie looks good and I loved "Election",) and Nick Hornby's newest, title escapes. He's solid, but not fantastic.

I did give the HBO drama "Tell Me You Love Me" another chance last night, using the on demand option. It just sucks. It's boring, the people are awful, I don't care about them, the pace is glacial. No one seems alive, or passionate about anything. And sure, there's lots of sex, but it's completely unerotic and boring, though fairly explicit. I mean, sex scenes between Dennis Franz and his wife on NYPD Blue were more enticing. I gave it a few episodes to see if anything started to gel, but nope. I can't recommend it. I can't judge the "realism" of the relationships but holy shit, if this is how people negotiate their relationships no wonder people are so screwed up. They can't talk about sex -- or anything else contentious it appears.

I saw a bit more of a program called "Electric Orgasm" on TLC. It was not as exciting as the title suggested, but about a new procedure being tested to help women become orgasmic. It's actually called the Orgasmatron, and is implanted in the spine and controlled with a little box that sends electric shocks through the system. When positioned correctly, it will tingle the naughty bits. It worked for one of the women. Overall, it was just sad listening to them. One woman started crying on the operating table saying it was her fault that she was defective, after the doc couldn't get past a certain nerve bundle. Gah. None of them seemed to take any responsibility for their own pleasure, leaving it up to their husbands. They weren't even fiddling with the orgasmatron controls themselves, instead letting the doc or spouse do it. And the mind/body connection was completely split. It was super depressing, but made me very appreciative of my lovers. Yeah, if I expected to only come during PIV sex, I might consider myself "inorgasmic" as well. I'm of the opinion that no one can "give" you an orgasm. They help, they cajole, they entice -- but you've got to be a participant. Science can't even define what an orgasm is for women. One researcher stated that with men it's easy to measure: you have a penis, an erection, and ejaculation. Sure, that's one dimension of orgasm, but still seems sort of narrow. Men's eroticism is narrowed down so much. So depressing!!!

For a cool and fun scientific look at orgasm, Rachel Maines book about the history of vibrators is incredibly good. Well researched, well written. So kids, lesson here is don't trust TV to teach you about sex. Sure, there are bad books, but also some great and wonderful books. Any favorites?

poly, baseball, orgasm

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