Every Brother is expected to use all his influence with persons in a superior station of life (so called) to induce them to join the Order. Royal personages, ministers of State, high officials in the Diplomatic, Naval, Military, and Civil Services are particularly to be sought after, for it is intended ultimately that the temporal power of the
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They want to have democracy, but when democracy doesn't want them, they can not rise up against it, because their own ideals are egalitarian, and can not deny the mob rule which would suppress them.
This is the rationale for having a republic, as we do, instead of a democracy. To protect the minority from mob rule.
What are the goals of the OTO...?Do you really not know this? Or was this just rhetorical to introduce the ideas following ( ... )
This isn't, however, as simple as a criticism of the current leadership. I believe it was Germer who specified that the Order should file for legal recognition in a '48 letter to McMurtry sited in This Court Case.
My immediate belief would be that we would not care for a government recognition which conferred bonds and created a group liability, with the only (apparent to me) upside being that our big brother the US Government will get our backs on things like copyright lawI'm not so vain as to think I know more than so many people who came before me, however, I will not hesitate to say what I think, in the hope that I might be corrected and better understand why the hell people are doing this, because honestly, I don't get it ( ... )
-- James
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