more late night brain dump

Jan 21, 2008 01:25

I need to sort out my college stuff. 1) take spanish clep. 2) apply as a transfer student. 3) decide between an online program that is just what I want but that I can't afford, an online program that isn't quite what I want, or a campus program that is just what I want.* 4) apply for financial aid and scholarships.

campus program = UNF. UNF doesn't have an online program, so if I choose to go there, it's campus classes for the full two years. they have a childcare thingy there, but still... campus-based classes means a lot more money and a lot more stress trying to work around the schedule. the childcare is expensive and tough even with just the two classes I have now - and one of them only meets once a week!

and h1 is going to have school. there's another big decision. putting him in the 5-day (9-1) program would be about 5,500. putting h2 in the 2-day (9-12) program would be another 2,200. and I still have to drop off every day at 9, pick up at 12 and/or 1, and still have to do something with h2 on 3 of the days. doesn't leave much leeway for class scheduling. waldorf school would require good quality fulltime caregiver who is willing and able to pick up/drop off at school... so add that to the 8k tuition bill. and that's only for regular school days - not holidays, not summer, etc. sheesh. I'd have to use the school's childcare facility, which actually seems fine. however, then I'd have to put h1 in public school for kindy. AND arrange for him to be picked up at school and dropped off at the UNF campus childcare center. I don't really want him in a regular kindergarten. if I do the UCF online program that I really don't want to do, I might still be able to afford the waldorf...

ack. I just need to win the lottery. private school tuition? no problem. full-time nanny? no problem. personal masseur for the in-between times? no problem.

Fuck the Florida public university system and its dearth of good online undergraduate liberal arts degree programs! Fuck them. Fuck them right in the ear. (<----- English major.)


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