It's almost over...

Apr 20, 2005 19:04

I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by... it seems like I just moved into this dorm a couple of weeks ago. It's difficult to realize how much of what I wanted to accomplish in my freshman year i either didn't or couldn't. I didn't update my journal, I didn't spend enough time with old friends, I didn't keep in close contact with my brother (at least I'll spend time w/ him over the summer). And, as much as I use schoolwork as an excuse for a lack of time, I didn't spend enough time studying - which will certainly be reflected in my grades this semester.

I hope to fix these things, and I'm going to start by updating my journal for the first time in months (at the expense of studying Physics, at least for the time being).

I have dozens of friends here from all over the place, people I know from home (school, church, etc.), people from SSTP and family friends, and I came here under the misconception (and miscalculation) that I would be able to spend time with each and every one of them. I clearly don't have enough time to spread it between my new friends and my old ones, but at the same time I feel like I have way too much free time that I could spend productively by either doing homework, studying, or seeing people who I don't see often. The same goes for my friends who don't go here - just a couple of weeks ago I spent hours online talking to people who I'd pretty much lost contact with since the end of high school, and while it was nice to catch up, the amount of time we were catching up on made me realize that "keeping in touch" is a hell of a lot harder than any of us expected.

Another realization that this reflection brought me to is that time is universal - it passes as quickly everywhere else as it does here. That may sound stupid, but before now I never truly realized that time goes on in places other than where I am. My family has changed, my friends have changed, my home has changed, and I've been in a different place - completely oblivious until I return home for a brief weekend.

I'm going to try to do some Physics now, I'll post some more thoughts later.
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