Title: Marshmallow Fluff (Angst, Birthday Sex and Marshmallow Fluff)
Author: Havah Kinny - havah24601
Chapter: 5/92
Pairing: Mostly Kevin/Nick with Joe/Kevin/Nick bits
Genre: Angst, Romance, Comedy...heh...everything pretty much.
Rating: R!
Summary: After coming home from a taxing day, Kevin seeks comfort in Nick that drags the two boys into an unexpected and forbidden whirlwind romance. The passion sucks Joe in as the three boys work hard to keep from falling apart as a band, family, and more.
Warning/s: This is LAME and fun.
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Notes: Aside from remembering that this was the first slash I really wrote, PLEASE remember that this is melodrama...
Previous Chapters.
Chapter Five.