Sign-Ups will start Sunday, September 6th at 8pm PST. They will close Wednesday, September 9th at 9pm PST or when we reach 100 writers (whichever comes first). Please be sure to review
the Rules and
the Sign-Up Guidelines. There is
an example you can look at for clarification on what the questions are asking for in case you are unsure. Below is the official template so that you can have a chance to fill it out before Sunday if you would like to.
The Official Template
LJ username and/or what you want us to call you:Email address:Do you consent to write fic rated at least PG13 with at least 900 words?Have you had your journal for 2 months or longer? The gift you are requestingWould you prefer to receive fic or art? (If you have no preference, please say so.)Please list at least 3 pairings you would like to receive:Things you like:Things you don't like:Any scenarios, prompts, or special requests for your fic/art (optional): The gift you are offeringFic or art?Pairings and characters that you are most comfortable with:Any pairings or characters that you refuse to write/make art about (you can just list 'Jonascest' if you refuse to write/make art for brother/brother pairings):Any squicks/kinks that you refuse to write/make art about: Extra stuffIs there someone that your writer/artist may contact if they have a question about your preferences?Anything else we should know? Any more questions? Post here or email us directly at
Can't wait to see you guys on Sunday! Please pimp this comm so we can get more writers :)
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