Leave it to me to screw up. These are the icons I was going to submit to the icon challenge but unfortunately, I missed the deadline so I figured I'd post them to my LJ. You know it sucks getting old. I got tied up giving my son's dog, Gizmo a haircut and then it was 1 AM and bingo too late. I had posted them here before so people could see them anyway. However, they had to take them down until the contest results were up. Duh, Deb, makes sense. Aly has graciously told me that I can post them again now but I didn't want to mess anything else up so I put them up on my LJ with a link here so I wouldn't cause any more confusion. You all did a wonderful job with the icon challenge and I look forward to NOT screwing up next time and joining you for the fun. I love those little pics and it's amazing what can be done with something so small. Some of you have already seen the ones I did and have commented and I appreciate it very much. Boy, do I feel dumb. LOL! Well, here is the link.