Fic title: Not With A Bang (This Is The Way The World Ends)
Author name:
agirlnamedfiaArtist name:
thedogstarlivesGenre: PRF, slash
Pairing: Nick/David Henrie (side pairing: Demi/Selena, Zac/Vanessa)
Rating: R
Word count: 48,000
Warnings/Spoilers: Swearing and some minor underage shenanigans
Summary: "Did you ever make things happen out of your control? Things you shouldn't be able to do, but did anyway?" The first one is found in Madison, WI. The comic book nerds call him a mutant, the tv-show fanatics call it human evolution, the government calls them Others. David Henrie is one of those Others, on the run from the Investigation of Others Sightings bureau and completing missions for his Community wherever his abilities can be used. When the Community sends him and his little brother to Lexington, WV, to prevent a vision from happening, David assumes that it's going to be a routine mission. What he gets instead is high school, an overwhelming lack of social life, more soccer than he can handle and Nick Jonas. But nothing is ever as easy it seems and this time, David and Nick might be in a situation they can't find a way out of.
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