WOOO HOOO! JBBB posting starts on MONDAY! Are you psyched? Are you ready? Are you PANICKING?
Well one thing you should not be stressing about is how to post your fic, because I will tell you RIGHT NOW!
THE FIC: Authors, however you want to post your fic on your assigned day is fine, it can be on your LJ or with a link to your own site. The only thing you have to do is post the completed fic on
your assigned posting day. Even if your fic is super long and needs to be split into parts or chapters, please post it all on your assigned day, instead of spreading the posting out over several days.
THE ART/MEDIA: However you guys work out having the art posted is fine with us. If you or your artist are adept at coding, you can choose to embed the art/media in the fic itself. Or it can be simply linked from fic post (both on the author's LJ and here), whatever works for you guys and your art and story is fine with us, as long as the art is posted the same day as the fic. That's very important, so please make sure you guys have timing and schedules worked out ahead of time.
After you post to your LJ, site, etc., we ask that you come back here and post to the community with this template:
Fic title:Author name:Artist name:Genre: (e.g. RPF; slash, gen or het)
Pairing:Rating:Word count:Warnings/Spoilers:Summary:Link to fic:Link to art: PLEASE USE THIS TEMPLATE WHEN YOU POST TO THIS COMMUNITY. You can use whatever template you like in your own journal or to crosspost elsewhere, but please use this template here. And please, please don’t force your own formatting/text/etc. Just copy and paste the code in the box above. (This helps tremendously when we make the master post at the end.)
PLEASE NOTE. If for whatever reason you have not heard from your artist/author, please let me know! If anyone has to back out, I will organize pinch hitters for you.