I'm back! and got lots to say

Aug 29, 2011 09:27

Hey minna-san!! I'm back from my week at the cottage. Surprisingly it wasn't so bad.  I had a good time, but my weekend back home was even better.  I can't decide which was better. I have so much to say cuz this week was just so awesome.
You know what I said about my family and how they are annoying, thankfully they didn't drive me too nuts since we spent most of our time doing separate things. I got to swim in the lake a lot and go kayaking and canoeing. The cottage was surrounded by little islands and  I was able to swim from one island and back. This got me thinking a little bit about NEWS 24 hour tv appearance. If I remember correctly, I think they had a blind girl swim some distance during the show. It is actually really hard swimming in a lake cuz you really can't see where you're going but I guess it wouldn't have mattered for that girl. Anyway while I was swimming I pictured myself arriving at the finish line where there would be people cheering and hugging me and congratulating me. I hope one day I can swim a marathon or something and have all this actually happen.. What would make it even better would be if I had Tegoshi hug me at the finish line like he did for Imoto. Or really anyway of the NEWS's members preferably Massu or Shige. Anyway, I really hope to go back again to that cottage someday.

Speaking of NEWS, I'm so sad that they are still not doing anything. Where the hell are they?? I NEED NEWS!!! I'm sad yet happy though cuz this weekend I have been converting people into NEWS fans (well trying at least) 
First 2 people
I have two friends who are really into anything asian, especially kpop and japanese dramas, so I knew I could talk about japanese music with them. I started talking about my obsession with NEWS. Surprisingly they got interested in japanese so we ended up going to a book store just so we can look at japanese books and korean for my obsessed friend.  Then I made them listen to NEWS song Cherish and they loved it!  I'm so happy cuz that's my all time favourite song by them. After I showed my friend a picture of them (color album) and asked her which one she thought was the cutest and guess which one she chose...MASSU!!! She said "He looks fine!" and I burst out laughing just cuz I so agree with her. I'm also making my other friend look up Nobuta wo Produce cuz she wanted to see a good japanese drama and this is the only one I've seen (too bad it's over now) so hopefully she likes it or even just looks it up. If she does then she could become a Yamapi fan which could lead her to being a NEWS fan then I would have someone to fangirl with and spread the love around. Then my job will have been complete! :D:D Okay now I'm really hoping all this happens.

3rd Person
Okay so this next person is gonna be the luckiest person ever cuz she's gonna be living in Japan for 3 years. We hung out today and we talked about all things japanese, like the language and culture, which then led to music. I suggested that we go find Japanese books to help her learn the language, so once again, I spent all my time in the bookstore reading Japanese phrases with a really bad accent with her. Then, like I did with my other two friends, I made her listen to Cherish and once again, she loved it!! I'm starting to think this really is their best song. Then she wanted to hear more so I played her Teppen, which I think she liked. Then she wanted to know if they're were songs where they sing different parts in English then in Japanese. I then played her Forever which answered her question. She thought their accents were so cute, as do I. :) And lastly I made her listen to Tegomass Miso Soup english version and we laughed our heads off just cuz of their accents. It was great to know that she liked those songs cuz now she told me that she's gonna look them up and watch their music videos. I should have warned her though cuz if you write down news (only) in the search engine, all you're gonna get is the news lol. I should have told her to add in jpop or something. Oh well she's smart she'll figure it out.
So that's what I've been doing for the NEWS fandom. Hopefully NEWS will have 3 new canadian fans soon. If not, I'll always be a fan. That's all I have to say I guess. I'll keep trying to spread the love cuz I need people to fangirl with.

Peace :) On a side note, R.I.P Jack Layton *for any canadian reading this

tegomass, nobuta wo produce, news, 24 hour tv, yamapi, massu, jdrama, tegoshi, songs, japanese

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