I've been watching NEWS's Utsukushii koi ni suru yo DVD over and over again and I realized that I never really did a proper post for it. So now I've decided to give my review on the concert part :)
Honestly, this was the best concert ever! It is definitely my favourite one out of all NEWS concerts. I just loved everything about it. The songs, the dances, the MC parts, the stage, the lights, the fireworks, the costumes, etc. I could go on and on about it. There was just so much variety!
For the songs, I think they all sounded great. That was the best thing about the concert - they all sang live (well for most of it at least). Even though Yamapi and Ryo are no longer with them, they still sound amazing. It was really interesting to see who would sing their parts and I think they did a good job of dividing them up equally. Sure, sometimes Tegomass would have more parts but overall I think it was fairly even. Personally, I think Shige really suits Ryo's solos and Koyama suits Yamapi's. But anyway, the songs all sounded just as great as they did before.
I find it funny how they sang all of their singles except for Taiyou no Namida. I bet they didn't want to sing it because they didn't want it to bring on the rain hahaha xD.
I was really happy to hear pretty much all of my favourite songs in the concert. I never thought that they would perform Anata ga tonari ni iru dake de but I'm so glad they did because I just love that song. Other songs I love that they performed are Beach Angel, Endless Summer, Kirameki no Kanata e, Smile Maker, IZANAIZUKI (YES! Shige's kuchizuko wo :D) and of course Cherish :)
Of course I loved all of their other songs too but those are the ones I was especially looking forward to seeing.
Other than the songs, I thought their dancing was amazing too. Honestly, I think they have really improved. They were much more in sync than they used to be.
As for the MC, it was really cute and funny (though I wish I could understand what they were saying). The part I really loved was when the lights dimmed to show off all the penlights. Shige made me laugh so hard at this part because he was freaking out over how cool it looked lol.
I think my favourite parts of the concert would have to be the video part along with the 4 songs that followed it and the Marching band medley. Those parts were so creative and different from what NEWS had done in the past. It was interesting seeing Let's go to the Planets and at first I was really questioning why they did it, but after watching it a couple of times I started loving it. It's like their showing their kiddie side before they go on to their "mature" side (*ahem* Bambina :P).
It's so funny how they go from this....
To this.....
I found it interesting how the concert starts out with a sunny blue sky and NEWS dressed up in white, singing happy songs. But as the concert progresses, it starts gets edgier and eventually the sun is gone and the sky is black. That's when NEWS emerges with those sexy black costumes and sings those "sexier" songs too. I don't know, I just found that interesting. Once again, I just like the contrast/variety in the concert.
Out of the solo performances, my favourite was surprisingly Tegoshi's Addict. Tegoshi was never really my favourite but his performance was absolutely amazing. I remember when he had said that he was the worst dancer in the group but I think this performance proved him wrong. He was so good and I loved the fact that he was actually singing too despite the intense choreography (unlike the others).
As for the other solos, I did like Massu's mainly because of the dancing and Shige's was pretty good too (I liked the beginning and ending parts and the flying was pretty cool), but Koyama's kind of disappointed me. It could have been the best if only he had sung live. Out of all the solos, Kei-chan's Starry is definitely my favourite. I just find it so beautiful and touching so I really wish he had sung it live. But it was still a nice performance and I liked the fountains, which added a nice effect.
The best thing about this concert, and this might sound weird, but it was all the tears everyone shed. It just made the concert that much more meaningful and special. I cannot express enough how glad I am that they chose to film the very first concert of their tour. You could really feel all the emotions of the members and the fans. The NEWS fandom really is a family after all. When NEWS sang Share, you could see how hard it was for the members. And when Massu choked up, it just proved it more.
But Full Swing really was the most emotional and powerful song of the night. SO MANY FEELS! The speeches beforehand sure didn't help the waterworks either lol. It was all just so emotional but that's what made it special. The tears just proved how much everyone loves NEWS.
There's just one more thing I have to mention in this post....
So I've said that I love all the members equally ever since they became 4 but there is one person who I thought really stood out in this DVD.
So I've always liked Shige a lot. He was considered my second favourite member and in my opinion, the funniest member. I always had trouble deciding whether he was my ichiban or not but in the end my ichiban was definitely Massu. I could go on about how I was in love with Massu but that is just a whole different story that I'll tell another time ;)
Anyway, when NEWS became 4, I didn't have any favourites anymore and just liked everyone equally, so no more ichibans, not even Massu. I didn't really like any of the members romantically anymore either and hadn't for basically a whole year (guess I got too hooked on Yamada hehe)
But while watching the DVD, I couldn't take my eyes off of Shige. I was just so impressed with him. Everything he did impressed me. I must be honest, in the past I didn't think Shige was the best performer but now I completely take that back. Seriously Shige just blew me away. I don't know if anybody else feels the same way but Shige was just too awesome. I loved his voice and even his dancing. Plus he looked so handsome and HOT!!! But best of all, he just looked so happy and full of joy. You could see that he was enjoying himself and that he was putting his all into the concert. And when he cried during his speech, you could really feel the pain he had felt and I love how he spoke so openly. And when he was crying during Full Swing, it was so heartbreaking and I just felt like reaching out to him and giving him a hug or something.
But he came back for the encore in high spirits and was so freakin' cute jumping into the arms of the other members (that part sure made me laugh xD).
You just gotta love Shige. And I do. I really do. Even more than before. I know I've said that I don't have a favourite in NEWS anymore but now I'm not so sure. I honestly do love the members equally but Shige is ranked slightly higher. Maybe even higher than Massu...or maybe not because Massu's always been my favourite.......but I don't like Massu as much as I used to so now it could be Shige???? Ahhh I'm just confusing myself lol >.<
Speaking of Massu, he was absolutely amazing. I really love his voice and of course his dancing. The only complaint I have about him is his choice of costume. Why must he wear a skirt???? *facepalm* Even in the Bambina performance, why didn't he show any skin like the other members?? The least he could have done was wear leather pants or something but not a long skirt!! Anyway, other than that, I have nothing bad to say about him. He was absolutely adorable and his hair was pretty cool. I love how he gets so into the performances and sings with passion. You could definitely see this during the Full Swing performance.
Koyama was so energetic and always kept the crowd going. He was actually so funny too, especially during the MC. And of course, he was looking great too (may I say even sexy). Can I just assume that he is in charge of being the "sexy" one in NEWS now. After watching the Digest part too, I noticed that he took off his shirt all the time, so I'm guessing he now took over the role of sexiest member lol. But I have no complaints about that since he clearly fits the role ;P
Tegoshi was such a great performer and I was totally impressed with his singing. He must have sung live the entire time. That's one thing I really love about him - he never lipsyncs. I feel as if he's the type of artist who refuses lip-syncing even when he is unable to sing. I really respect that. Wasn't really a big fan of his hair though but his performances made up for it ;P
Ok so this post turned out to be much longer than I was expecting it to be. I just had so much to say lol! This concert was just so incredibly amazing and I love how it showed all different sides of NEWS. It was so well planned and NEWS was able to pull everything off. They are still a super strong group and I have completely fallen in love with them all over again.
Thank you NEWS for staying together and giving us such a great DVD. ありがとうございます!