
Apr 01, 2007 10:49


Taeton has a cold. I caught it from him. :(
I woke up yesterday with a soar throat and it never went away, it actually got worse throughout the day and it got to the point where I could not even swallow. It was bad. It felt like it was actually swollen. This morning, I am aware of my throat, and it hurts a bit but not as much as yesterday. Today I do not have to talk as much as I did yesterday... I think.. that all depends on Taeton. :) But yesterday I had to talk a lot.

Taeton is doing okay with this cold though. He has a super runny nose, but nothing a little suction machine can't take care of. He has a soar throat so I have been giving him cold bottles to help numb his throat. It seems to be working. Although he has been waking up with asthma attacks every night since his cold has started. But We deal through them. :)

He is still acting normal.. his happy little self. So I am not going to worry to much. Although last night he did have another shaking spell, but this time he had goose bumps. So I was not ALL too concerned. At least his color stayed normal this time. I am still so worried that it is his heart again... but I'll keep it down. :(

As far as everything else goes...
Life has been a bit crazy for me. Something ..... just something I wish I could have more control over.

Anyways.. I really do not have much more to say right now... so I'll write more later! :)
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