Three Things Make A Post

Aug 22, 2012 13:17

Gakking this from topaz_eyes.

Hey, flist, I'm still around, and still writing, strangely. Anyway, thought I'd share some links that I've been finding all sorts of interesting right now.

Unf%$! Your Habitat. It seems that a lot of untidy and unkempt surroundings are tied to mental health (going by the people that write in and the stories they share). Yours truly is pretty much just a mucky beggar, honest, guv. So I've been using the hints on this site to get my arse in gear. Twenty minutes to clean stuff up, then ten minute breaks. It's been helping me a treat. I now hoover with a glad heart and there are no dishes in my sink.

Captain Awkward. The writer of the advice column started it as a push back against Dear Prudence. If you've been seeing all the 'creepy posts' on the web lately, the name of this column might be familiar. Captain Awkward lives by the credo of 'Use your words'. Don't be passive if someone's creeping you out/imposing on your boundaries, etc. Use your words. She also offers self help with 'Breathe into your oxygen mask first before helping anyone else' and 'No is a sentence'. I do like the scripts she provides in terms of what to say, and her readers are some of the more articulate and straight talking ones online.

750 words The idea behind this is, if you can sit down and write 750 words a day - like a journal or a diary, just for you, you might find it helpful. I just use this to write anything that comes to mind. Alas, for me it's fic, the recipes I'm longing to try, the outcomes I liked, and anything personal that comes to mind. Nothing grand, but it's a good head space clearer.

If those links are too heavy, a meme:

1. Link me to a fic of mine that sticks with you, good or bad.
2. Ask me a question about it, from 'Why did you do that?' to 'What happens next?'.
3. I will answer, either in meta or fic form.
4. Adopt the meme, pass it forward. No pressure.

discussion, hints, links

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