Gonna find out if I'm naughty or nice

Nov 13, 2010 07:18

Dear Yuletide Santa,

First of all, thank you very much for offering to write something for me. I am aware that it takes time out of your schedule to sit down and focus on writing something for me, me and I'm terribly grateful.

For all the fandoms requested (be it either ship, or gen fic), I am a fan of the intimate moment (not necessarily sex, no). I dig atmospherics, and just even a portrayal of the odd snippet of the day, of people being content. That said, I hate descriptors (will backspace and won't thank), schmoopy descriptions of love (there's a difference between touching and schmoop). I like team fics, and tales of derring do, especially with characters who seem to be undervalued by the canon itself.

Although this is yuletide, it doesn't have to be a story centred around this time of year.

My four choices are: Young Avengers, Young Allies, Agents of Atlas and Avengers . The other three I'm just waxing lyrical on.

Prompt: " Rikki knows that she should be trying to get back home; but right now, there's Sofia, the Young Allies as well as world that needs saving. " Or "It's hard stepping into the shadow of Spiderman, and does Sofia even want to?"

Young Allies: I like everyone in this team, although I do admit to shipping Rikki and Anya, especially. I do like to read about teenage girls, their close relationships, their giggles, and just generally delighting in each other's company. I am intrigued with Firestar (Angelica) battling cancer, being a superhero and doing graduate school at the same time. I wonder about Toro's (Benito) past experience as a child soldier and how it affects his mindset. I like the fact that in Young Allies, the writer will throw in entire Spanish dialogues and expect the readers to suck it up and move on. I also like the nods to the communication we take for granted as shown in the comic. Youtube, tweets, bring it on.

Prompt: " Sometimes, families aren't born of blood, but chosen, either by fate or oneself. " Any. Or "A family portrait of the Young Avengers, told from Tommy's pov."

Young Avengers : Okay, so I might ship Elijah Bradley and Kate Bishop like the Royal Navy. Fine. I do appreciate the fact that they are teenagers, with their individual experiences, and how said experiences shape their person-hood, so if there's any fic along the Eli/Kate lines, I do like it to be complicated, but I do like sweet. I like Cassie, and hope that she resolves her Daddy issues, I worry about Jonas and wonder if he'll remember his life and love with the Scarlet Witch, and think about the consequences of a robot and love. Since the latter is not very logical in certain twists as all. I like Tommy Shepherd, and wonder if he ever thinks about leaving the YA, since they seem to be so terribly earnest in comparison to his studied cynicism. The comics don't really say much about his mindset and attitude (other than the fact that he likes Kate), any light shed on his personality will be appreciated. Billy and Teddy elicit the mandatory d'awww, as always, but I get enough Billy/Teddy centric stories from fandom already, use a lesser written character, please. I like YA teamfic, where they battle random supervillains and banter like woah, or fic where they decide to take the weekend and go somewhere.

Prompt: "How the Agents of Atlas get through a normal day. " Or, " Out of all the teams to choose, you pick Agents of Atlas? Namora tells why."

Agents of Atlas: Wow, okay, you writing this? Makes you really grand. I like all the characters in AoA (now called Atlas before the comic got cancelled). Yay to the GQBAMF that is Jimmy Woo, and the fact that you rarely see male Asian Americans leading superhero teams. I like Namora, her pride, her strength, and how regal she is. Venus, who's strong and feminine in the way that might probably make other women suspicious. I still am wrapping my mind around Gorilla Man. M-11 and 3-D man are aces. For this story, I like the spy genre that Parker has (had) going, and even a snippet of that (if you can only hit 1000 words) will rock my casbah.

Prompt: Victoria Hand and the New Avengers. "It shouldn't be so bad dealing with this team after working with the crazy that was Iron Patriot, right?" Or, "There's a reason why Jarvis hasn't taken his pension and hotfooted it to the Maldives, and no one knows it but him."

Avengers: Right now, I am digging the New Avengers line up and story. Luke Cage is fair, albeit brusque and a good leader (although he doesn't know it). Bobbi Chase is level headed and bad ass, I like Jessica Jones although she's shying away from the tights and powers gig, I like Brother Voodoo. I'd like to see a fic with how Victoria Hand and Maria Hill (on the opposite sides of the law before they got the assignment to be with New Avengers) and how they handle all that intrigue. The focus on the lesser characters will be good. I do also like Jarvis, because there's a power to domesticity, and making things work to the point where people take it for granted.

In point form, what I like

Angst (but reasonably explained and not for the sake of it).
Redemptive endings (not necessarily for everybody).
Missing moments from canon.
Unrequited love (but not forever).
Myth (in all its forms)
Stories within stories
Stories that go beyond canon.
Things that span a lot of time.
While I'm not crazy on PWPs, I do love a good sex scene.
Banter during sex.
A good argument.
Humour. Man, I am always so impressed by people who can write good funny.

What I tend to backspace out of
Student/teacher relationships
Descriptors 'the blonde man said', or 'the speedster' (it's one thing if a person is described as such by another person, but in the narrative in itself. Please, no)
Character bashing
Embarrassment humour
disprivileged person being a teaching moment (I don't mind fics that deal with social justice issues, but I'd prefer if they were not from the point-of-view of the privileged person or, for this exchange, the main theme of the fic).

just putting this here because I have these thoughts on my mind

Marvel Adventures: Avengers : The comic is cute, I like everyone there. Tigra is happy and without a Skrull brood, Spiderman is smart without the skeeviness, Tony plays video games with Spiderman as well as doing six impossible things before breakfast, Steve is a soldier out of time, but his new friends are aces, and he's getting on. Hank and Jan have no physical altercations in this universe and just yeah. There are jokes and hijinx alike. I like this verse, especially team fic (but ixnay on the cuteness though, people tend to read MA:A and go overly cute, please don't).

Gargoyles: Oh man, oh man, oh man, is it bad that I can still recite the lead lines for this series? What is there not to like about Gargoyles. The Xantos Gambit, the fact that they had a pregnant woman in a Walt Disney cartoon! (I love you, Fox) and Owen. The Shakespeare references make my life. I like everything about Gargoyles. Everything. I like the fact that David Xanatos was just fuelled by ambition, rather than vengeance against anything. I liked the banter between him and Owen. Loved the fact that Goliath heads up his little lair, and his relationship with Elisa, and the fact that the supernatural was never far away.

Dungeons and Dragons (Cartoon): Just make me feel twelve years old again, I beg of you. I can't even wax intellectual about this series. Even the youtube reruns make me believe in magic, and for a long while, I refused to ride in a roller coaster. Refused. Give me the bewilderment when the children find themselves dumped into another world from a rollercoaster ride. I want Eric's brattishness, Presto's inclination to bumble, Diana's calm assurance, Hank's leadership, Sheila's innate sweetness, Venger's maliciousness.

Cheers, secret santa, you're the best.

young allies, young avengers, gargoyles, that's what i want, agents of atlas, avengers, give me what i need, fanfic, yuletide cheer

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