Working until the last minute just like always. I stayed up until 3am for 3 nights straight because I was trying to make this halloween town Roxas outfit look like it does in the drawing. It still turned out inaccurate but I was satisfied with the results.
The whole day was completely off schedule because we kept losing track of time. We to the mall costume contest right when the contest was closed and were announcing the winners. We left 10 minutes later so I could get into my McSephiroth. We were gonna go to the club right afterwards but we stopped by my friends house who was having a rock band party and hung out there was a while. Then we went to the club, which was kinda weird going in as McSephiroth but people liked it. I went on stage for the most original costume contest (which was pretty much a dance contest) and didn't really do much because the ocean of people of in the crowd screaming at us kinda freaked me out. We had fun though and I can honestly say that that was the most exciting halloween night I've ever had!