Apr 17, 2010 15:08
Saturday, April 17, 2010
i Love Eu
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On a bus, somewhere between London and Zurmatt, Switzerland - somewhere between the hours of too hot to sleep and too swervy to think straight - I am upright and up writing, excited to be back on a tour bus. With all flights grounded throughout most of upper and Western Europe, we hired a bus to get us off the British Isle and safely to our gig on time. It’s times like this drive across the surface that I fall deeper in love with Mother Earth. Her gentle and devastating eruptions remind us that our being here is both precious and miraculous and that our schedules are miniscule compared to hers. While we communicate with each other and seek to waste our time wisely, she is in constant communication with the rest of the galaxy, and at that scale, we’re but an accessory added to her earthen apparel that at any moment could become decidedly out of fashion.....
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As we speed along on this distant horizon, our bus cuts through the lingering fog and lets in the sunlight, warming entire villages, illuminating shake-roofs and steeples, sending out a signal that it’s safe to wake up. ....
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Perhaps the Volcanic Eruption over Iceland will be a wake up call for many on this upcoming Earth Day. The Earth Day Celebration is now 40 years old and the awareness of the event IS working. When it all began, cities like Los Angeles were barely visible (and breathable) due to smog and dense air pollution. These days the pollution is smarter as it is invisible, most of it living inside our water supply, especially in our plastic water bottles. Check out the latest issue of TIME for a pleasant chemical pollution scare that will certainly make you thirsty for protecting our most valuable resource: our children. ....
-Jason Mraz