I am in love with Pippin. Hence the new icon. I got it off this this site:
http://syndarys.sinfree.net/icons/ It's very good if you like movies such as Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc. and you want icons of them.
So ANYWAY I'm absolutly ecstatic at the moment because of this adorable new icon and the fact that I just trekked my ass all the way the Woodenville Target and bought the Return of the King soundtrack (which has Pippin's song on it ::excites::). I did manage to make quite the fool of myself, however. I was planning on writing a check for it, because I am kind of out of cash at the moment, but I forgot that I was balancing my checkbook last night and my checkbook was still sitting on my desk. Fortunitly, some sweet young girl was ringing me up, so she directed me to the ATM ($1 fuckin .50 surcharge!!!) so I could pay her $18.49 for the CD. I was expecting for it to be a little cheaper at Target, but alas, no, it was the normal ass-rapingly high price that CDs usually are.
Anyway after that ordeal was over, I was able to exit the building as the proud owner of the soundtrack of one of the greatest movies ever made. And I found this great new icon. Wow. I'm so happy.
Now I just have to think about the mountainous load of homework waiting for me in my backpack because I didn't do any last night...oops!
IM me if you're bored and want to be entertained.