exactly 30 minutes and 28 seconds until i get off work.

Aug 10, 2005 21:24

Well, i'm at the tail end of the workday from hell. I swear, anything that i could have done wrong, i did wrong, exponentially wrong to the 100th power.

eh, well, on the bright side Ivan and Corey are coming to visit tomorrow. I just have to get through work tomorrow so i can enjoy their company as well as a three day weekend from work.

So much has been going on in my mind these past couple days, it seems i can't quite think straight so my thoughts either come out convoulted or incredibly incredibly boring. Much like this lj entry, i realized. hm.

I really love this verse from a they might be giants song:

"They don't need me here, and I know you're there
Where the world goes by like the humid air
And it sticks like a broken record
Everything sticks like a broken record
Everything sticks until it goes away
And the truth is, we don't know anything "

It makes sense to me.
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