Well, an old friend of mine recently passed away while eating dinner. Ben Powell was usually the first person I would try to call every single new years to recap the last year's events. The first good conversation of the year. This would officially mark the first death of anybody who was ever once close to me. Ben was my first real friend. He was a month younger than I was, and he choked to death. He was probably the greatest guitar player out of all the guitar players I've befriended and It's quite a shock to see a tiny box in the paper/online marking the end of his life rather than a large, well-written article by some pulitzer prize nominee or even an independent music mag or something. The only difference between me and him really was that he threw a little bit more caution to the wind. I thought that one day him and I would catch up and I have tried to call him every once in a while after new years, but usually to no avail. I thought I didn't have to worry about not having seen him for a few years, but I guess I'll have to live with the fact that If I ever do want to see him, I will have to visit his grave. hm. Well Ben, here's to you.
PS: I'm sorry it had to be this photo, Ben. But it sure is an awesome beard
Eugene weekly article:
We were sad to hear this week of the sudden and unexpected death of Benjamin Powell, a gifted 19-year-old Eugene musician and composer. He played guitar, bass, banjo, violin and mandolin. He was a member of The Cheeseburgers and formerly Android Ethic, and played with Paul Biondi's bands and many others. He was born April 24, 1986. His father is John Powell, founding member of the Valley Boys, and a member of The Cheeseburgers. A memorial jam session is planned for 1 pm Saturday at Cozmic Pizza.