Mar 16, 2005 17:29
ahahaha Well I sure havent posted in FOREVER! So sorry you guys.... Hmmm so much has gone on with me in the past months!
Ok Mathew and I broke up.. LOVE NO MORE! Yea I wish it could end that easily.. Although I am young .. I have already fallen in love.. I hate it.. We broke up begining of January:-/... And yet I still love him.. Oh god .. Lets not go there now ;-)!
Hmm ANYWAYS! Schools almost over.. YEPPIE!! ahaha and Spring Break is in 1 day! And a half day at that! Holy crap Im so fuckin excited! lol Yea... My sister and I are going on a road trip! AHAHHAHAHA CANT FUCKIN WAIT! *calming down*
I have a new boyfriend.. Joey Keith Yates.. I do care for him so much.. we started dating 2-21-05.. He's such a sweetheart! Is it wayy better this way right?? HE is more fit for me and right, I have so many opportunities to see him.. And he would do anything for me.. So I cant complain right?? NO! :-P
Well I have been having this shopping craving latley! WOOHHOOO.. and when Michelle and I go to Georgia.. ITS ON!!
Hmm Ive been sick the past few days and it sucks.. More than you know! I think Joey get me sick but Im not sure.. ahaha FAVORITE NUMBER DEFFINALTY 5! Oh god! LMAO Went to the docters today.. Hmmmmmm what funn?? NO FUNN!Thats what it is yo! ahahah *Kayla* lovin it..
My bestfriend Kayla is getting her license in WHAT WHAT!!! 4 DAYS! =) And YESSSSSS she will have a car! PAAARRRTTTTAAYYY central! Thats what Im talkin about.. AHAHA pink on the inside ;-)
I dont think parents ever change.. All they like to do is BITCH! and BITCH some more! AAAAAA my mother is so conceeded! I swear.. She is taking a trip to Georgia to see my brother.. (not where my sis and I are going) and she is soo fucking bitchy latley.. Like I was sick today.. and i SWEAR not one time I've been sick and she hasnt.. She came home this morning and was singing and being her goofy self .. Which is the good Meredith Treib I know and love.. But once I got to the docters.. She like FAKED sick! AAAA I swear she cant just be a mother sometimes.. God knows I love her.. But JESUS woman! I cant even be SICK! Without it going back to her!!!! GRRRR GORRILLA PENIS! And then when we got in the car she like complained how much it costed and that I was sick and shouldnt have been! WHAT THE HELL!?! I dont know WHATEVER!!
Ok welllll Im gonna go talk to my people(cause yea I so have those);-) lol and let ya'll go..