Jun 16, 2015 16:33
Since turning thirty I've been learning all these little things about myself that I feel I should have known years ago. Or at least I feel I wish I had known years ago.
Not all of it is life shattering and really its all stuff I knew but never had an explanation for. Like I've known for years I'm an introvert but I never looked into that meaning I never knew that was why I can't stand small talk. I'd put it down to the fact that I'm shy but then I've always been able to have a deep conversation about any topic with a complete stranger so it didn't add up. The mundane pleasantries at school drop off make my skin crawl.
Ask me about my thoughts on the afterlife or if I think there is one, ask me which five countries I'd go to if given the opportunity and why, ask me anything just make sure it's leading to a discussion not chit chat to be polite. I'd rather sit in silence than make forced small talk.