Feb 09, 2006 23:45
Shannon's House
11:46 pm
I am waiting for Matty to get off work so I can pick him up for our Thursday night ritual of Pulse and the Saucer. Update on Dream Girl... since we have been going to the saucer a lot more often lately due to the weather and so on, we got to know Dream Girl... she is kind of a bitch sometimes, and she quit last week. We went for her last shift to say goodbye to her. I will miss her. She got braces, which makes her even hotter. She made googly eyes at me on her last night. See what I mean about being a bitch? ON HER LAST NIGHT! Anyway, update from my last entry. I have stepped off the wagon momentarily. On Tuesday I had sex with a boy. I know, gross right. It wasn't that bad. I have to admit it now, there will probably be a next time... and if it's not fucking earth shattering that will be the last time. There are many problems with what I have done...
Problem #1 We work together.
Problem #2 He's quite a bit older than me. Which is fine really, because I have no qualms about age in that way. However, is he looking for what I'm looking for? Like, nothing?! Hahahaha!!
Problem #3 I am probably a little crazy. Matty keeps telling me I need "mood stabilizers"!!!
Problem #4 We work together. (I realize this is also problem #1, it's a BIG problem) Where we work, everybody knows everything. It's sad really. Gossip spreads like wildfire... but it's like the telephone game so it starts out "So and so is sleeping with so and so" and ends up "So and so is sleeping with so and so and so and so's best friends' neighbours' cousin"!! It's ridiculous.
So, whatever, I will deal with it when I have to.
I have to go get Matty now. SAUCER TIME!!! I'm so hungry I could eat the crotch out of a rag doll.
Ciao for now!